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Résultats de la Chaire de recherche de biosécurité en production laitière

Articles vulariaton
Maryse Michèle Um, Marie-Hélène Castonguay, Julie Arsenault, Luc Bergeron, Geneviève Côté, Gilles Fecteau, David Francoz, Julie Giguère, Khalie Mahamad Amine, Isabelle Morin, Simon Dufour. 2022
Estimation of the accuracy of an ELISA test applied to bulk tank milk for predicting herd-level status for Salmonella Dublin in dairy herds using Bayesian Latent Class Models

Juan Carlos Arango-Sabogal, Gilles Fecteau, Elizabeth Doré, Geneviève Cotê, Jean-Philippe Roy, Vincent Wellemans, Sébastien Buczinski. 2021
Bayesian accuracy estimates of environmental sampling for determining herd paratuberculosis infection status and its association with the within-herd individual fecal culture prevalence in Québec dairies
Articles sci
Campêlo Lima, V.R., Roy, J-P., Sabogal, J.C.A., Paradis, M-E., Racicot, M. et Dufour, S.
Biosecurity on Dairy Farms of Quebec, Semaine de la Recherche, 21 au 25 Mars 2022, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Saint-Hyacinthe, Canada.
Campêlo Lima, V. R., Aenishaenslin, C., Racicot, M., Roy, J. P., Beauregard, N., and S. Dufour.
Adoption of biosecurity practices on Dairy Farms from Quebec, Canada: A cross-sectional study. In Proc. 16th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Halifax, Canada.
Dufour, S.
A Bayesian latent class model for estimating diagnostic test accuracy when comparing two imperfect tests administered at different time and measuring a time-varying health event. In Proc. 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Halifax, Canada.
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